
Pet Training

Training is an essential part of owning a dog and can be started at any age. It is recommended to start socializing and training your pet as soon as you get them home. When puppies are between the ages of 6 to 16 weeks they are in an ideal developmental stage to start socializing them with all aspects of our world. This means exploring new people, dogs, cats as well as new locations.

Training builds confidence, provides mental stimulation and strengthens the human-animal bond. Seeking help from a professional trainer is best way to learn the best approach to use on your pet!


Meet our Trainer!

Welcome! My name is Rachel Antonino and I am a certified Animal Behavior College dog trainer. I have over 10 years of experience training both my own dogs and clients' dogs. I follow the LIMA (least intrusive and minimally aversive) approach to dog training.

I believe working with dogs and having them as companions is a gift to be cherished. Establishing solid communication through play, engagement, and training is the best way to build a strong bond with your dog so you can have a great relationship with your furry companion.

Along with training dogs, I am also a Massachusetts licensed horseback riding instructor and trainer as well as a special education teacher. I pride myself on not just training the animal, but training the owner in a way that makes the most sense to them.

I look forward to getting to know you and your dog!

Class Offerings:

Puppy Kindergarten

Age 8-16 Weeks

Description - How to raise a well mannered puppy with tips on socialization, crate training, potty training, nipping, and more! Puppy playtime included weekly.

45 minutes - $295 (5 weeks)

Puppy Basic Obedience 1 & 2

Age 16 weeks - 1 year

Description - This class offers all the essential tools for a well mannered dog with cues like: sit, down, watch me, leave it, come, recall, place, heel, loose leash walking, etc.

45 minutes - $295 (5 weeks)

Adult Basic Obedience 1 & 2

Age 1 year and up

Description - This class offers all the essential tools for a well mannered dog with cues like: sit, down, watch me, leave it, come, recall, place, heel, loose leash walking, etc.

45 minutes - $295 (5 weeks)

Loose Leash Walking and Heel

Age 16 weeks and up

Description - This class is ideal for dogs and owners who want to focus on good leash walking. We work on teaching the heel, loose leash walking, and recall.

45 minutes - $295 (5 weeks)

Advanced Obedience and Fun and Games!

Age 16 weeks and up for dogs who have completed basic obedience skills (trainer evaluation required)

Description - This class is for dogs who have completed basic obedience (determined by trainer). It is a fun class where owners can fine tune their dog’s skills through group games and activities to enjoy with your dog!

45 minutes - $225 (5 weeks)

Training Schedule!..

Tuesday’s 7pm - Puppy Basic 1

Tuesday’s 8pm - Adult Basic Obedience

Wednesday’s 7pm - Loose Leash Walking and Heel

Saturday’s 9am - Puppy Kindergarten

Saturday’s 10am - Advanced Obedience and Fun!


Group Sessions

We offer group training session conducted by a certified instructor. Most of our group classes run five weeks long on a rotating schedule. Please call to inquire about availability and pricing for our next enrollment period!

Private Sessions

If your dog requires a little more attention, we offer one on one private lessons with our friendly Certified Instructors. Private sessions run for about 45 minutes and focus on any specific areas of concern.


Dogs looking to attend Training sessions are required to be screened by our instructor prior to booking their first Class. To schedule an assessment please call us at 781-716-5400 or visit our Contact Page.

All dogs are required to have received all standard vaccinations and are flea and tick-free. Proof of vaccinations will be required. In the interest of the health of other dogs, please be sure your dog is not sick prior to using any of our dog services.